OSKA Coordination Council
The implementation of OSKA is overseen by the OSKA Coordination Council, which has 11 members. Each year, the Coordination Council submits an overview of the state of play regarding labour market and skills and its proposals to the Government through the Ministry of Education and Research.
The OSKA Coordination Council plays a key role in matching labour market needs with training resources, taking into account the proposals and suggestions put forward by sectoral expert panels. The work of the Coordination Council is supported by the Estonian Qualifications Authority.
The Coordination Council approves the list of sectoral expert panels and their policies and practices. The Coordination Council approves sectoral reports and proposals put forward by expert panels, provided that they contribute to the balanced development of Estonian society and are feasible.
The Coordination Council consists of the representatives – board members or organisation heads – of the Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of the Interior, the Bank of Estonia (Eesti Pank), the Estonian Employers’ Confederation, the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Estonian Service Unions’ Confederation (TALO), the Estonian Trade Union Confederation and the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund.
OSKA Panel of Advisers
The OSKA Panel of Advisers contributes to the development of the OSKA methodology and to preparing the decisions of the Coordination Council. It has the task of being a partner and adviser to the Estonian Qualifications Authority.
While the Coordination Council comprises representatives appointed by managements of organisations and authorities, the Panel of Advisers includes, besides the organisations represented in the Coordination Council, the best experts in the labour market and education fields from Estonian universities, research companies, professional associations, etc.
Sectoral Expert Panels
Sectoral expert panels were established at the Estonian Qualifications Authority to prepare forecasts of labour requirements and skills in OSKA sectors. The expert panels bring together the best experts from among job creators, schools and public authorities.
Sectoral expert panels help to look at the whole picture of the needs for labour and skills in each sector. Forecasts of workforce and skills’ requirements, including proposals for delivering the desired changes, are prepared with the support of analysts and a coordinator of the Estonian Qualifications Authority.
The proposals may be addressed to very different stakeholders, such as training providers, developers of curricula, professional associations, etc.