OSKA methodology

OSKA applied research surveys on sectoral needs for labour and skills are unique because they use a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods and analyse professional qualifications across all levels of education. For this purpose, both statistical data and information collected from personal interviews with sectoral experts and from group discussions are used.

Five economic sectors are examined each year. Each sector is analysed every five years on average. In the intervening years, the relevant sectoral expert panels keep an eye on the implementation of the recommendations made on the basis of the conclusions of the survey.

Quantitative analysis builds on the data from the relevant registers and surveys (EHIS, the Labour Force Survey, sectoral surveys, EKOMAR, etc) as well as the data from the employment register of the Estonian Tax and Customs Board.

Further information on employment, skills and qualifications is collected from personal interviews with sectoral experts and from group discussions. The interviews examine future economic trends and the resulting changes in the needs for workers, skills, education and training in each sector, and provide input with suggestions for improving qualifications. Sectoral expert panels also assess labour requirements in quantitative terms and training capacities broken down by key professions.

An OSKA general report on changes in labour requirements, labour market developments and the trends influencing them over the next 10 years is prepared annually.

Correspondence key

The correspondence key is a part of the OSKA data model that shows the theoretical correspondence between the education acquired and employment.

The correspondence key is used in the OSKA model to forecast the level of supply of education by occupational group.