The OSKA study evaluated to which extent the societal and economic changes caused by COVID-19 affect the need for labour force and skills in different fields in Estonia. It also presents where training is most needed to give updated input to the planning of retraining and continuing education courses.
The aim of the study is to stimulate the cooperation between employers, education institutions and public sector in the reaction to the corona crisis and coping with the changes. Also, to support the shift towards a higher value-added economy, which requires the training of labour force for needed skills.
The study investigates the changes caused by COVID-19 that affect the labour market trends in short-term (1-2 years) and long-term (up to 10 years) period. The impact on the already completed OSKA studies of the labour fource and skills demand was also assessed.
The study was conducted in collaboration with the Foresight Centre, whose developed scenarios for the economic impact of virus crisis were used as the basis for the assessment of long-term effects on the labour market.
The OSKA COVID-19 study was carried out from June to November 2020. The results are accompanied by the overview of the needed field-specific ICT skills completed in summer 2020, which also includes the demand for upskilling brought about by corona virus.
The OSKA forecasting system produces projections of the need for labour force and skills in all fields of the Estonian economy and compares these to the education and training offered by higher education institutions, VET institutions and continuing education courses. OSKA studies are conducted by the Estonian Qualifications Authority (Kutsekoda) and funded by the European Social Fund.